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  • Writer's pictureJoanna Davis

Cydia for iOS 13

iOS 13 is the thirteenth major version iOS mobile operating system which came after the successor iOS 12. This new version was introduced on the 3rd of June in 2019 at the company's WorldWide Developers Conference by Craig Federighi whois the software engineering director of Apple Inc. The major version was released on the 19th of September in 2019. After the keynote presentation of iOS 13, Apple Inc released the first developers beta version for registered developers and 24th of June in 2019 they released first public beta version.

How to Jailbreak iOS 13

Currently, we can not find so many jailbreaking methods for this version. Because this version is still new to the iOS community. But in the future, we can see the new jailbreak tools for this version. Currently there we can find only one jailbreaking tool that can jailbreak iOS 13 without any problem. Cydia Cloud is the best online jailbreaking tool that can jailbreak any iOS version and any iOS device including 32-bit and 64-bit without any problem. The most important thing about this online jailbreaking tool is this Cydia free download. When talking about the jailbreaking this is a method that can remove all the software restrictions imposed by Apple Inc.Typically this is done by using kernel patches and it permits to root access in iOS devices allowing users to download any software that can not find in the Apple app store.

How Download Cydia Using Cydia Cloud


1. At first, go to the Cydia Cloud website using your iOS device's Safari browser.

2. There you can see the blue color CYDIA DOWNLOAD button and tap on that.

3. The installer will take few seconds to detect your iOS versions' compatibility to jailbreak.

4. If your iOS version compatible with jailbreak then tap on the Install button.

5. At the end of the jailbreaking there you will meet Add to Home Screen Button and tap on that.

6. Then move to your iOS device's settings app and there tap on the install button.

7. Cydia Cloud will ask your passcode and enter your passcode there.

8. Then tap on the Install button and then Done.

9. Now you can Cydia on your device's home screen.


According to iOS news, all the iOS versions are filled with so many software restrictions. Because Apple Inc so much caring about the privacy of their customers. So, in that case, users can not go away from the Apple app store and there they have to jailbreak the iOS version to remove those software restrictions to get the freedom from Apple jail.

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